Talking about the Doctor who, Dispensary and more.

Hello my Warriors!

I hope everyone is doing well, there have been multiple things going lately, as you know I have started a Dispensary. Click this link to check out advertising funnel:

I am working towards building the Dispensary online, and the Real Estate business, of course, I have my seven books published. I am working on writing several more books.

Is anyone here a Doctor Who Fan? Well, Disney+ has dropped all three of the short David Tennant run of the specials, the episodes are in this order:

-The Star Beast(based on a 1980’s comic)

-Wild Blue Yonder

-The Giggle

I made reviews on each episode on my podcast, you can check it out here: Apophis’s chat zone • A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters

Honestly, I am behind on the Doctor Who except for these three episodes, Classic Doctor Who(you can watch it on Tubi), the season 1 from 2005-2010(I think) for the beginning of the restart of the Doctor Who series.

Two out of three specials have a great spooky factor, I liked that part, I noticed that the regeneration has changed to a “Bi-Generation”, where the Doctor splits in half like the alien creatures from the movie “Evolution(2001) (great movie). I like how Neil Patrick Harris played a sinister role of The Toymaker. There are some good elements of the specials, but it will take a bit to get used to. I am personally confused, what happens when 14th Doctor regenerates again is that one called the 16th doctor? It is a bit confusing, we will see how the show does in the future.

The Doctor settles down at the end of the specials, but we all know that will be short lived. Kind of, is messed up. There are two Doctors in the same universe, but both can regenerate, so the count will be out of whack again.

Well, this is all for now, Be strong everyone.

Thank you

Matthew Petchinsky

Apophis Enterprises, LLC