Newest products and upcoming valentine's day

Hello Subscriber!

I have posted some more beautiful products on my site Welcome to Apophis's Stone Emporium ( I posted a few more essential oils and some crystals. I found a cool Pokemon stone statue. let me show you what I posted.

These are just a few of the products I posted. I how you check it out. Welcome to Apophis's Stone Emporium (

Also checkout my adult novelty shop as well, Welcome to Apophis's Sex Shop (

We are almost to Valentine's Day, I feel bad for those that don't have a partner this year, or if you were broken up with your partner recently, like today of course, don't blame yourself, they were unhappy honestly because in this modern age, no one, no matter the gender or preferences doesn't truly know what the want in a partner or life in general. I have a link for you if you ever need to talk I recommend the talker app:

This is the link that is to talk to me if you ever need an ear this valentine's day, I am always here to listen.

Thank you

Matthew Petchinsky

Apophis Sex Shop

Apophis Cash Deals

Apophis Stone Emporium

Apophis Enterprises