New Store announcement and new products.

Hello Subscribers!

I am sorry for no newsletter yesterday, I was needing a break. I've been overwhelmed with everything, from trying to write these newsletters, taking care of kids, getting product on the Apophis Sex Shop, and now the new Shop: Apophis Stone Emporium. As well as keep u on advertising on social media, and find an advertising company to advertise my shop, which I found one so far. Also, to find time to write my books. I am running everything on my own. I haven't even cold called or researched homes for my Wholesaling Real Estate business.

Now, my new shop is called Apophis Stone Emporium, it will not only have crystals and stones, but a lot of the Metaphysical items, essential oil and such. right now there are 35 items and growing.

These are just the start of the products the will be on Apophis Stone Emporium. Products – Apophis's Stone Emporium ( come check them out.

Thank you

Matthew Petchinsky

Apophis Sex Shop

Apophis Stone Emporium

Apophis Cash Deals

Apophis Enterprises