new products, suggestion for bug killing, Chatgpt

Hello Subscriber!

I have some wonderfully new products on my site, I post some candles there just in time for Valentine's Day. I also have quite a few new toys posted for an extra spicy experience. all this can be found on my site.

Here is one of the candles on my site, the others are on the site Welcome to Apophis's Sex Shop ( come see them.

Okay, so currently, where I live there is a German cockroach infestation. We tried the traditional pesticides you get at the store, even and exterminator, but those didn't work. We had set up to you medical alcohol, 50%-99% works perfectly to kill these cockroaches after a few seconds of being sprayed. I highly recommend this. 

Now, in the final segment here, let's talk about Chat GPT. I firmly believe artificial intelligence is the key to a better future. I have spoke with the Chat GPT, it is very informative, but is not yet fully ready for the mainstream. I feel alot of industries will be hit, except for some of the creative ones(for now) like Authors. Human experiences are the books that will need to be written by humans. I feel banking will be taken by A.I. 

 For all we know for sure is that we might have to wait another decade before A.I. is fully able to take over the jobs that humans currently do. I mean I don't see A.I. Bus drivers anytime soon, or A.I garbage men anytime soon. Possibly in 20 years time those jobs will be replaced by A.I. 

Think about it, what would you do if A.I. Replaced your job?

Thank you

Matthew Petchinsky

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