New Products and hydrocephalus experience

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I have some more wonderous products to show you today, I have posted a lot of vibrator wands. Welcome to Apophis's Sex Shop (

These are just a few of the products that were posted today. Come get these and more at Welcome to Apophis's Sex Shop (

I will soon be announcing a book that will be published soon about my Hydrocephalus experience. Hydrocephalus is a condition where excess fluid is accumulated in the skull, particularly the ventricles. I have had this condition for 29 years, well almost 30 years this year. I have a Shunt in place to keep the fluid from causing more damage by draining it away.

I have had two shunt surgeries and some minor ones with a pressure monitor into my skull, I have had what are known at "shunt pains". These usually happen when I am exhausted or stressed out.

Thank you

Matthew Petchinsky

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