New book release

Good Morning my fellow warriors!

Have you ever had an interest in Astrology? I have created and still creating more an Astrology book called Hemp Horoscopes, it is now available on iTunes:

Official book launch is tomorrow March 5th:

This book both encompasses a whole new dynamic of Hemp and Astrology, it has never been done before officially. It is packed with amazing insights and offers a brand new look at Hemp.

Speaking of Hemp, did you know that there is a company in Kentucky that is producing Hemp wood? I was amazed to learn this.

Hemp is still used for health and wellness of course, check out my virtual dispensary:

I will be announcing the other books that will be in paperback, all self published of course. Also, has anyone here considered going solar? Solar is the best way to go for the health of ourselves and the environment, sign up here:

Also, if you are interested check out Stryker wear they have some amazing products, I saw some natural stone bracelets on there.

Many thanks, be safe everyone.

Matthew Petchinsky

Apophis Enterprises LLC