enema product line

Hello, Subscribers!

I have posted some products that are for enemas, now you are probably thinking, "what is an enema?"

Well, an enema is when you wash fecal matter out of your rectum, you can do it with an enema device or laxatives, it helps to have an enema device because it is better to use water to wash out the impact poop! You can use these even if you don't suffer from constipation. Use an enema kit before anal play.

I personally use one because I suffer from constipation and I can personally guarantee you that it helpps and works wonders.

Here take a look at some of the devices that I have posted below.

These are the ones I posted today, I personally use the last one, now with the last one, I recommand you have some bobby pins that are small sized with you when you use this device. You can find all of these and more at Welcome to Apophis's Sex Shop (apophissexshop.com)

Now, I have a few tips for when doing your enemas:

  1. always make sure that you have a towel spread on the floor, things get messy.

  2. make sure you have a water with you, you need to stay hydrated, the process takes a while.

  3. Have some entertainment to keep your mind occupied, this task is best if your mind is relaxed.

  4. make sure there is ventilation in the bathroom, not only for the smell, but the heat in the summer will make the bathroom unbearable.

These are my top four tips for when doing an enema.

thank you

Matthew Petchinsky

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